"Some weeks ago I was contacted by a school, whose teachers were facing a serious challenge with a boy presenting with extreme and unpredictable behaviour. The teachers felt at a loss and desperately needed support and advice. The boy had previously been in State Care, but no longer under a Child Protection Order, meaning the ‘case’ is closed, meaning that any support provided as part of the statutory order also disappeared. When I asked about the professional support within the school, I was informed that there was a Christian Chaplain, and a School Welfare Coordinator, but neither was able to help....
"Rather, I would argue that there is an erroneous assumption that chaplains are equipped to manage behaviours presented by children who have a history of abuse and neglect and suffer from aspects of developmental trauma. I would further argue that most, if not all, extremely challenging and high-risk behavioural presentations by students are a function of some type of early trauma....
"If further funds can't be found to support schools and chaplains, then the chaplaincy program needs to be abolished; and funds re-allocated to a regulated secular program for the provision of trauma-informed specialist youth work professionals in schools...."
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