This special series focuses on important community issues, innovative solutions to societal challenges, and people and non-profit groups making an impact through technology.
Pull up the Facing Homelessness page on Facebook and you might learn that Eric and Michelle have been living out of RVs for two years, and Michelle has a brain tumor.
Or that Steve went to Garfield High School in Seattle and became homeless five years ago after a divorce. He’s trying to get a truck driving license, and does temp labor.
You may meet Andy, who is 31 years old, half Chippewa Nation, has a college degree, struggled with opiates and “has the nicest way about him.”
It’s surely not the sort of networking that Mark Zuckerberg imagined when he developed the service for his Harvard peers, but Seattle-based Facing Homelessness founder Rex Hohlbein doesn’t care. He has taken the social media site and harnessed it to personalize the issue of homelessness, sharing his humanizing portraits worldwide.
[For more of this story, written by Lisa Stiffler, go to]
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