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Senator Kamala Harris Has A Strategy To End The Pay Gap For Black Women []


Today, July 31, we acknowledge "Equal Pay Day" for Black women in this country, a day that marks the number of days into the next year that Black women on average would need to work to earn the same amount their white male counterparts made in the year prior.

Black women make only 63 cents on average for every dollar a white man is paid. This may not seem like a significant difference, but 37 cents on each dollar earned adds up to a devastating economic disadvantage for Black women and their families. And, it's a larger disparity than the average American woman faces β€” 80 cents on the dollar.

Think of it like this. Imagine you were running a race. If you're a Black woman, you would start days behind many others. That's not fair.

In order to make what their white male counterparts have made by the age of 60, Black women would have to work until they're in their 80s. In total, by the end of their careers, on average Black women will have made $840,040 less than their white male counterparts.

[For more of this story, written by Kamala Harris, go to

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