If you work in the world of juvenile corrections, you’ve read the stories: reports of a staff member sexually abusing or harassing a youth in confinement. It has become clearer that this is not a problem limited to just male staff — in fact there is a well-documented trend of young teenage boys being victimized by female staff.
In addition, youth are at risk of being sexually abused or harassed by other youth. Overall, nearly 1 in 10 adjudicated youth report being sexually victimized while in a juvenile facility.
If you are a leader in a juvenile correctional facility, you might wonder, is my facility sexually safe? When a facility is sexually safe, the culture supports reporting and overall safety, and you can be confident that what you expect is happening to promote prevention, detection and response is actually happening.
[For more of this story, written by Wendy Leach and Tina Waldron, go to http://jjie.org/2017/03/06/sex...ility-sexually-safe/]
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