"It's been about finding yourself, bettering yourself and healing," she said and added that the next goal is to get her high school diploma.
WRAP is designed to help women while they are in jail and after they are released to deal with the trauma in their lives, avoid the obstacles that can lead to re-offending and help them make a successful transition back into society.
WRAP is a unique model that uses gender-based risk assessments and trauma-informed case management. It works as a partnership between Health and Social Services, the Sheriff's Office, Probation Department, District Attorney's Office of Family Violence Prevention, Public Defender, the Re-entry Council and community partners, including Mission Solano, to assist the women who have a moderate to high risk of returning to the system. The county received a grant to fund the program through 2015.
[For more of this story, written by Melissa Murphy, go to http://www.thereporter.com/cri...tes-embrace-new-life]
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