Where are you on your healing journey? Are you just getting started? Are you about to take the next step? Are you stuck? Or are you in the messy middle, overwhelmed with grief, feeling like the tears and sadness will never end?
If you feel stuck, that’s probably because you have no idea what to do next. That’s how I felt years ago when I realized I didn’t know how to receive my husband’s love. How could I not know something like that? It seemed so simple for everyone else. What was wrong with me?!
Connecting with my heart was the key. I began by practicing inner child work, learning how to love the wounded little girl inside me.
I discovered this precious child had vowed never to let anyone into her heart again. She’d been hurt too many times by people who said they loved her. When she made this decision, she was too young to realize she needed love. That meant she had to be open to it. But she felt the risk was too great.
It took years to build a loving relationship with this hurt little girl. I learned how to be the loving parent she’d always needed by nurturing her, holding her when she cried endless tears, and giving her all the attention she deserved but had never experienced.
With kindness, self-compassion, and consistent self-care, things got better. The wounded little girl inside me calmed down, felt accepted, validated, and worthy of love. As a result, an amazing thing happened. I finally realized what it was like to be loved and cared for. Wow!
Today, I always connect with my heart before I act or speak, because I know that’s where I’ll find my truth. I want to show up as a loving person. I want to lead with my heart. And I do. Now I can give and receive love effortlessly.
Of course, none of this happened overnight for me, and it won’t for you either. It’s a long journey, filled with lots of hills and valleys. But you have to trust the process. Eventually, you’ll reach your destination. And it’ll be more than worth it. Just ask me!
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