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Meeting Agendas: Community Meetings, Steering Group, Strategic Planning Meeting

Roles and Responsibilities of Steering Group (SG) Members

  1. Commit to serve for a 6, 8, or 12 month term. Co-chairs of SG to serve for 6 month terms.

  2. Attend monthly SG meetings

  3. Lead or co-lead an action group (some of these will be sector specific, others may be a different project, i.e. toolkit)

  4. Participate in another action group to ensure SG representation on every work group

  5. Present brief monthly action group updates to the SG (for the group you are the lead on)

  6. Co-organize and co-lead quarterly Community meeting, once yearly (including: planning agenda, reaching out for speakers as needed, advertising community meeting, summarizing and posting notes from meeting)

  7. Identify sector experts for Assets Map and Speakers Bureau

  8. Review and update Assets Map quarterly for the sector you are lead on

  9. Conduct ACEs 101 presentations & provideexamples for training materials, as needed

  10. Identify/ Post stories on community site &/or facilitate identifying good sources for success stories

    Sample Community Meeting Agenda:|

I. Mindful Moment

II. Introductions
                   Welcome New Members

III.      Steering Group Celebrations & Updates

IV.      ACEs Connection Community Site - One tip on using the site

V.      Work Group Report Out
                   A.     Outreach — Presentations tracker review
          B.     Membership — Sectors/subsectors
                   C.     Communications & Events
                   D.     Trainings and Presentations
                   E.     Work Groups

VI.     Presentation from Community Organization or Individual of Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Building Journey 

VII.      Time for Networking

Sample Steering Group Meeting Agenda:

Recommended Roles

  • Facilitator: See draft agenda below 
  • Note-taker: Type notes on laptop at meeting. Upload notes to ACEs Connection group as a blog post for comment by group, populate ACEs Connection group with content from notes (add previous or upcoming events to calendar, invite new members to join, post presentations/videos to clips, start any necessary forums/discussion topics, etc.).
  • Photographer:  Post a photo or two from the meeting. 

Draft Agenda

  • Intros and icebreaker (consider honoring people's work and engaging the senses by including a moment of silence, a short meditation, handing out warm towels, lavender lotion, small bottles of bubbles, etc.)
  • Show the group on a screen via laptop and computer projector one function of the ACEs Connection site  (one new function per meeting — how to post a blog, how to add a calendar event, how to add a video, etc.)
  • Review any ACEs presentations done by group members since the last meeting, and assign requests for presentations.
  • Updates and next steps from Work Groups (if established)
  • Work on filling out the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion tool with contacts, presentations, outreach, invitations, etc. Ask for volunteers to do outreach, set up meetups with organizations in sectors that aren't involved yet.  
  • Plan for public meetings/community roundtables/town halls, special events, and/or ACEs Summits
  • Conduct anonymous ACEs and Resilience surveys among Steering Committee members
  • Ask people to post a blog about what they're doing.

Sample Strategic Planning Agenda

Goal: At the conclusion of this session, you'll have a clear sense of the purpose of the initiative that will help guide the development of concrete activities or next steps.

 Determine notetakers and/or recorders for each section.

  1. Mindful minutes — 5 min
  2. Introductions, planning goals and expected deliverables — 15 min
  3. What is your purpose? Why are you  here? — 70 min
  4. Review and Refresh Your Mission/Vision  Review draft handouts
  5. Where are you now? What are you currently doing and what is working?       30 min
  6. How do you want to get there? — 75 min  Complete next steps Action Plan
  7. What next? — 15 min  What are you doing next week/ next month? What future planning is needed?


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Just wanted to say thank you so much for putting this together! These examples have been extremely helpful for setting up our initiative/steering committee

Hey, that's great to hear Erica! Thanks for the feedback! Sending you an email now about making sure your initiative in Maryland is listed on our site.

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