Dr. Porges says that whenever we do NOT get mammalian attachment, our nervous system pushes us back into reptilian freeze on auto pilot. We don't have a say; it's not cognitive.
Furthermore, for attachment to work, we need what he calls “the social engagement system... in which we listen to intonation in voice and use facial engagement” such as “people smiling and looking at us.”
That's a serious point nowadays, when people "just don't have time," or take the time, to attach. It can be hard to know what's real, or really going on behind the smile or the mask. We all need to work on this with each other.
"Safety modulates our ability to develop secure attachments,” says Porges - starting from infancy.
“Whether an individual feels safe with people during early development might modulate differences in
vulnerability to trauma" later in life.
READ MORE: http://attachmentdisorderheali...m/porges-polyvagal3/
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