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Stop Eating Compulsively []


Those three words screamed in my head on a loop for years because I didn’t understand why that one simple act proved so difficult for me. At eighteen I wrote my first play and saw it produced off-Broadway, and by nineteen I rented a newly renovated apartment in my native Brooklyn, one train stop away from Manhattan. When I focused my mind on accomplishing something as challenging as leaving New York for Los Angeles, at twenty-one, I just did it, and barely looked back. In L.A., I created a successful life for myself. That’s why I couldn’t understand my consistent failure when it came to sticking to a diet.

This was before I understood that pre-bulimia, I suffered from B.E.D., binge eating disorder. Binge Eating Disorder is the inability to stop bingeing compulsively. This is what made it impossible for me to stick to a diet. Any diet. Trust me when I tell you that I tried them all... for an hour, a day, or a week but I could never stop myself from eventually taking that first compulsive bite, which led to the second and then the third until I found myself at the grocery store, a drive-thru window or a donut shop. I believed that my failure to control my food intake pointed to a lack of self-control and unsteady willpower instead of faulty internal hardwiring.

[For more of this story, written by Stephanie Covington Armstrong, go to]

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