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Strategic Interventions for Re-Emerging Into Daily Life


Have you noticed that we seem to have forgotten how to behave, outside of our 'bubble?'

It's as if a few months of isolation in our various apartments, neighborhoods, extended families or 'ideologies,' we have lost much of our tolerance for  anything unfamiliar or makes us uncomfortable.  After confronted with several of these less-than-familiar situations, we see a lot of heightened reactions and overwhelm.  It's as if we've been quickly stripped of our skills to meet the challenges. Or the expectations and demands are too much for our bandwidth!

Modern day living is stressful. We need better tools to meet the demands.

As an Energy professional for two decades, I've had the opportunity to learn a lot of ways to help people with their stress, worries, limiting beliefs and troubling memories.  And as Life seemed to speed up, become more intense, and news or social media became more invasive, I realized we needed better, faster tools to treat acute stress reactions and threat responses, in the moment.  

That's when I sought out faster, easier and simpler tools for those moments.  And later, I wrote a book with Deborah Miller, PhD, called  Compassion In Action: Emotional First-aid for Children.  It was the result of all our findings and study in the field, but targeted to use with children.  The most vulnerable, who were suffering from the chronic shooting, natural disasters, and increases in bullying and violence.  The interventions  were customized to better address their needs and development, but derived from the ones we'd gathered for adults.

Now we offer these tiny, powerful strategic algorithms as interventions, to many kinds of groups:  Schools/teachers/parents, counselors, social workers, therapists, caregivers and companions, veterans and more.  It was bonus to discover they were especially well-suited to peer support.  

So again, here's what it is:  A collection of tiny powerhouse algorithms to rapidly down-regulate the nervous system, quell the threat response signaling of the limbic and deliver felt-sense safety to the vagal.  Quickly! It's the fastest return to our individual resources we could find.  And in these times of disconnection, dysregulation and heightened reactivity, it's a comfort to know that help is at hand 24/7, from our very own pocket and fingertips.

On July 15th, there's an opportunity to learn thee.  An efficient and relevant Emotional First-Aid course, in a choice of 2 different dayparts, to fit anyone's schedule. Over 3 hours' time we'll walk through how the overwhelm happens and what we can easily learn to do about it.  You'll learn our favorite in-the-moment, immediately stress-relieving and down-regulating movements that can get you, a child, a family member or client back on track, fast. Easy to learn, effective and fast.

Please come on the 15th, and find out how you, too, can offer rapid, effective help, in just minutes. Let's help everyone get back on track, and back to best-self readiness.

Even though it's very low-cost, we're still making it 50% off for PACEs Connection members.

You can find out more here:

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