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Study Finds Teen Sexuality, Childhood Trauma Are Linked To Suicidal Behavior []


(Reuters Health) - - Both LGBQ sexual identity and traumatic experiences in childhood are linked to a heightened risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, U.S. researchers say.

Teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or are questioning their sexual identity are also more likely than their heterosexual peers to have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in childhood, the study team reports in Journal of Adolescent Health.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults and there is evidence that suicide rates are increasing in this age group, they write.

[For more on this story by Shereen Lehman, go to]

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Rene Howitt posted:

I'm just thinking out loud here. I'm wondering if anyone has ever studied whether there is a causal relationship between sexual identity and abuse. I know that children who identify as something other than heterosexual often are a target for more abuse in their homes, foster homes, residentual facilities and school. Has anyone looked at the reverse? Are children who are subject to sexual abuse and other forms of abuse more likely to questiuon their sexual identity as teens? These kids have suffered, are traumatized and are emotionally damaged. They struggle with feeling comfortable fitting in anywhere. If they are struggling with their identity period, doesn't seem like they will also struggle with their sexual identity? Please note I'm not suggesting that all people who aren't heterosexual have been abused. I realize that a certain percentage of us will be something other than heterosexual. What I'm wondering is that percentage higher among those who have suffered a higher level of ACEs?


Rene, I'm glad you voiced this because I wondered the same thing after I read this article.

I'm just thinking out loud here. I'm wondering if anyone has ever studied whether there is a causal relationship between sexual identity and abuse. I know that children who identify as something other than heterosexual often are a target for more abuse in their homes, foster homes, residentual facilities and school. Has anyone looked at the reverse? Are children who are subject to sexual abuse and other forms of abuse more likely to questiuon their sexual identity as teens? These kids have suffered, are traumatized and are emotionally damaged. They struggle with feeling comfortable fitting in anywhere. If they are struggling with their identity period, doesn't seem like they will also struggle with their sexual identity? Please note I'm not suggesting that all people who aren't heterosexual have been abused. I realize that a certain percentage of us will be something other than heterosexual. What I'm wondering is that percentage higher among those who have suffered a higher level of ACEs?

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