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Study shows benefits of exercise can outweigh health effects of severe obesity []


Can you be fit and healthy even if you're overweight? That's the question researchers at York University's Faculty of Health set out to answer in a new study that shows physical activity may be equally and perhaps even more important than weight for people living with severe obesity.

According to the recent study, led by Jennifer Kuk, associate professor in York University's School of Kinesiology and Health Science, and collaborator Dr. Sean Wharton, MD, medical director of the Wharton Medical Clinic and adjunct professor at York University, individuals with severe  who are fit have a similar health profile to those who weigh significantly less than them. The goal of the study was to look at the benefits of cardiorespiratory  on cardiovascular health in populations with mild to severe obesity.

The results suggest individuals with even severe obesity, or a BMI greater than 40, can be fit and healthy.

[For more on this story by York University, go to]

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