When Corey Roberts came out of prison, he hit the ground running.
In short order, he found a job at a chicken joint. He found a girlfriend. And at 21, after an 18-month stretch in Georgia correctional facilities, including nine months in a drug-rehabilitation program, he began the process of rebuilding a life within the legally constrained horizons of an ex-convict.
But like a lot of people who struggle with drugs, depression and a criminal record, Roberts soon hit some setbacks.
He went through several jobs in the year after his August 2015 release. He lost his driver’s license when he got ticketed for speeding and failed to show up for his court date. Dating was difficult. He resumed an old habit of self-medicating with marijuana. And when that wasn’t cutting it any more, he turned to more potent drugs.
[For more of this story, written by Matt Smith, go to http://jjie.org/2016/12/07/lik...losives-blindfolded/]
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