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Suicides In Child Protection (very young children)

Thank you Brandon Stahl (& David Chanen) at the Star Tribune for writing this article giving voice to the elephant in the room that is dangerous and suicidal behavior of very young children in child protection.  No one wants to hear it and no one wants to address this, but it is a very real problem of great consequence to children and our communities.


As painful as this conversation is, without it, dangerous and suicidal behaviors will continue to be an issue for abused and neglected children in need of protection (in & out of the system).


As a CASA guardian ad-Litem, I see this awful suicide as the tip of the iceberg that is the under-treatment (resources/response/coordination/services) provided to the poor young souls unlucky enough to be born into a dangerous and dysfunctional family.


Children traumatized severely enough to be removed from their birth home don't have coping skills to mend themselves or manage the behavioral problems that follow from what has been done to them.




Judge Heidi Schellhas shared a list of children from four to fourteen forced to take psychotropic medications.  It was a very big list - nationally, between a third and one half of children in CP are proscribed psychotropic medications.  Label warnings about the dangers of suicide for consumers of these powerful medications are not there for nothing.  Suicidal ideation is very real. Fully formed thoughts of suicide for five year olds - what's that like?


I've written about suicides of young people over the years; the most pertinent article to this case is 7 year old foster child Gabriel Myers who hung himself and left a note about how he hated Prozac.


Recent mental health guidelines for medicating three year olds


Only the worst of the worst cases of child abuse make it into child protection - these children have been traumatized and they need a high level of care not readily available in the average foster home.

Abused children often feel responsible for what has happened to them and carry powerful feelings of guilt and self loathing that plague them every hour of every day.


My direct experience comes from an experience of suicidal ideation delivered by Topamax, proscribed to me for migraine headaches (it did not work) and an 11 year old CASA guardian ad-Litem boy on Ritalin asking me, "when will I be normal".  He had many attempts at suicide over the years I was his guardian ad-Litem.


There are many stories about traumatized boys and girls in child protection carrying lighter fluid, cutting themselves, violent behaviors and dangerous to the people trying to help them recover.


Those are often the people hurt the worst.  


In this case, Kendrea threatened to kill her foster mother with a screwdriver and told her she wanted "to jump out a window and kill herself".  


We the people have avoided this conversation for many years.  Until we have it, the prisons will remain full, schools will struggle to teach children with unmanageable / dangerous behavioral problems, and we will read about suicidal six year old boys and girls.


They are children and they need our help.


Stand Up For Children (share this with your friends and networks and help KARA's voice for children grow)


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  • invisible children picture web 11.09-001

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Thanks Mr. Tikkanen for shining a light on this population of children and their needs. I am working with an author right now who has a book titled The Ripple Effect which is about the impact of suicide on survivors. These over-medicated children who've suffered trauma ... oh ... may feel that there would be no one to care if they leave the Earth.


I think this is about the most sad I've ever been while on this website. So, I am going to give some thought as to how these children can feel that they matter. Is there an extra burden on non-genetic-family but loving and supportive caregivers to nurture these young lives in ways that we've not discovered yet?


Do we need "a new love?"

Thank you Tina for asking the right question.


Until transparency exists and information is made available more broadly, we will never know.  


It is wrong that we don't know (the information certainly exists, we just can't see it).


For the record, if the information was made available, the depth and scope of the problems would become apparent and we would be faced with meeting the shortfall of mental health services.



Mike, is there a way to know how many of these children in foster care are getting appropriate counseling services? Children's mental health services are under serviced. Children are over medicated in 10 min med visits. The real solution is not a pill it is appropriate trauma focus counseling.  Do you know is there a way to get our hands on the data as to how many of these kids are getting counseling as apposed to meds or 10 min med visits? I hate to say this, but I am very familiar with the strains that adolescents and young people can feel when dealing with the child welfare system.  This is a big deal.  It needs to be addressed.  Thanks Tina

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