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Supporting Young Children Experiencing Separation and Trauma []


Young children and their families can be tremendously affected by trauma, with significant implications for well-being well into the future. And while young children can be very expressive, they often do not have the skills or ability to use words to express how they are feeling. Adults may notice a variety of unexpected, atypical behaviors, and may need help understanding and nurturing infants and toddlers who have been affected. Fortunately, there are infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) clinicians across the country who have experience working with this population and are trained to provide developmentally appropriate, two-generation, trauma-informed services.

This page offers resources for families and caregivers working with very young children who have experienced trauma as well as connection to specialized mental health professionals who understand the needs of very young children. Please see the directory below to reach an IECMH contact in your state who has volunteered to field inquiries and make connections to resources and clinicians.

IECMH professionals have also developed numerous resources to help parents, caregivers, and other adults support children who are affected by trauma. Please take a look at the Featured and Additional Resources sections to find free materials in English and Spanish to support your work with infants, toddlers, and caregivers who have experienced trauma.

[For more on this resource, go to]

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