We’re in the midst of an extraordinary time. Deadly wildfires, ongoing desperation in Puerto Rico, the acquittal of the yet another police officer—this time the one who killed Anthony Lamar Smith—and continued twitter harassment from our troller-in-chief. Oh yeah, and threats of nuclear holocaust.
So in this week’s column, I want to invite you to pause and take care of yourself. Catch your breath. Take a moment to restore your spirits.
Some of those who work for justice and ecological sanity struggle to find time to care for themselves and for each other. But our work for a better world includes nourishing our own spirits, and the spirits of those around us, and that means allowing time for sadness and quiet, and for healing. Doing so makes us more resilient and better able to offer loving support to others.
[For more on this story by Sarah van Gelder, go to http://www.yesmagazine.org/hap...r-self-care-20171012]
Photo: “Our work for a better world includes nourishing our own spirits.” Photo by Ümit Bulut/Unsplash.
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