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Talking About Poverty []


The AAP provides a series of messages and communications tips for pediatricians to use when talking about poverty and child health with other health care providers, legislators, and other audiences. These messages were developed with Burness, a firm specializing in health communications.

Key Messages and Tips for Pediatricians

Tip 1: Emphasize the connection between poverty and child health.
Focus on poverty as a key determinant of child health. As an expert in child health, pediatricians have the opportunity to talk about the influence of poverty on child health, development and long-term outcomes.

Key Messages:

Poverty is a strong risk factor for poor health. Child poverty is linked to higher rates of asthma and obesity, poor language development, increased infant mortality and an increased risk of injuries.
A growing body of research links child poverty with toxic stress that can alter gene expression and brain function and contributes to chronic cardiovascular, immune, and psychiatric disorders, as well as behavioral difficulties.
Tip 2: Make the economic case and explain the benefits to society.
Talk about the ways that addressing child poverty can improve the life course trajectory for a child, and benefit society. Highlight policies and programs that have demonstrated measurable, proven benefits to society, including economic benefits.

[For more go to]

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