"However, we must be careful not to jeopardize successful programs, and equally careful not to leave out improvements that are essential to the Roadmap’s success. As we survey our membership for additional feedback on how to ensure the success of this plan, FJJA members have identified one recommendation that could be a step backward, two important issues involving delinquent youth in Florida that are omitted entirely, and a third issue that must be strengthened. We are optimistic that DJJ will consider these and other areas going forward....
The Roadmap recommends that we return to a State Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) supervision model for kids returning home from a residential program, eliminating the highly successful Community-Based Intervention Services (CBIS) treatment model that has been implemented statewide over the last five years. National research, and Florida’s own experience indicate that using state JPO’s to supervise re-entry youth is one of the least effective means to prevent further involvement with the justice system...."
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