The Adolescent Redemption Project (TARP) is a new Michigan-based nonprofit dedicated to a second chance for incarcerated individuals when they were sentenced before age 25 or experienced multiple ACEs.
Thursday's event is an opportunity to hear from Breonna Taylor’s sister Dee Dee Taylor, a member of our board, who is a passionate advocate for getting her father Everette Taylor out of prison as soon as possible. We’re a fledgling 501c4, only less than a year old. We have no staff, only a board and a compadre of volunteers… Joshua Puckett #250645, the founder with his fiance (who he has never met in person) Cassandra Anzalone, will speak about his story of being sentenced to life without parole for a crime he did not directly commit. Executive Director Christian Wiesenberg will explain TARP's mission and accomplishments. Lawyer Laurel Kelly Young will examine brain science and how we can help.
Anyway, here’s the Facebook page with a link to the zoom (*and it will also livestream on Facebook):; you must register in advance.
You can also sign up on our website:
Please join us!
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