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TARP Justice Rally - support The Adolescent Redemption Project!


How many of us did things we later regretted before our adolescent brains were fully formed at age 26?  TARP is a new nonprofit dedicated to getting a second chance for prisoners who were sentenced (many for life) when they were 14-25.  We're a campaign for mercy.  We are drafting "second chance" legislation to change the archaic laws in Michigan.  And educating people about unjust incarceration for people who have turned their lives around in prison.  Come learn about what's happening in a one-hour fundraising event Thursday, May 27 at 6 p.m. Eastern, 3 p.m. Pacific.  You'll meet Joshua Puckett, who founded TARP from within Michigan prisons, where he's lived for 26 years; he was sentenced to life without parole for a murder he was not present at, but was an "aider and abettor" to the crime.  He has turned around his childish ways, and deserves a second chance, like many men and women who have changed an matured behind bars. Here's his story in a one-minute clip:

Another prisoner we are hoping will get a second chance is Everette Taylor, father of Breonna Taylor.  His daughter De'Andrea is on the TARP board, and she says this:

Please join my table (Stephen Silha) or create your own table -- this is a chance to chip away at the Prison-Industrial Complex!

Register here for the one-hour Rally:

Or register on the Adolescent Redemption Project's Facebook page.

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