"Teachers living in the same neighborhood as their students and their families so they can run into each other while doing errands; teachers and parents meeting in spaces designed expressly for them to collaborate: this might sound like a scenario from Pleasantville, USA. It’s actually what Teachers Village, an urban housing development now under construction in a blighted business district in Newark, New Jersey, is envisioned to foster.
"The goal of the $150 million project is to “create a community of teachers” whose presence will “bring energy — and disposable income — to the now run-down area.” Rents are set for middle-class occupants: a studio apartment will be $700 a month and a two-bedroom apartment $1,400.
"Construction started in February 2012; the project is to be completed in 2015. Three new charter schools have already been built and are in operation; 213 inexpensive residential apartments and 28 shops, many of which will be for Newark-based businesses, are being built.
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