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Teaching self awareness and stress recognition to kids age 4-6


Janai Mestrovich (BS/MS, Family & Child Development), teacher and developer of 'Superkid Power' (Ashland, OR) passed this along to me regarding how she uses  finger activated mood card to measure temperature and kid stress levels: 

40 Pre-K children learned how to measure their stress level this morning by measuring hand temp. with mood cards. Blue, happy-peaceful-very calm; Green, calm; Red, tight muscles/upset; Black Tense/grit teeth. We chanted and drummed appropriately - tense drumming then calm drumming to; COOL HANDS TENSE/COOL HANDS TENSE/COOL HANDS TENSE; WARM HANDS CALM /WARM HANDS CALM/ WARM HANDS CALM. We put our hands on our necks that are always warm to compare hands with neck. Easy way to measure tension - cooler than neck? Tension levels. Warm hands match neck...calm. Imagine all children learning how to be EMPOWERED SUPERKIDS by monitoring their own stress levels and having more choices for self-control. It is a key for improved mental health and prevention with building self-help resiliency skills! GO SUPERKIDS!!!! And, by the way....they LOVED the lesson! Thank you TEN REALTY, Ashland Food COOP, STARSEED Foundation, and donors through Patreon for providing funds that provide supplies to EMPOWER SUPERKIDS 

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