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Thank you to ACEs Connection - an AMAZING Resource

This is just a quick note to thank ACEs Connection for the incredible resources that are offered simply as a result of joining the website.

In Vermont we are busy with our "Building Flourishing Communities" initiative, built on Laura Porter's Self-Healing Communities model. We are 18 months into our work and have just secured a second round of funding by being part of a federal grant that our Child Development Division won. We are very small, and have very little bandwidth for anything other than the essential work of getting the word out about the neuroscience, epigenetics, ACEs study and resilience science that informs health development and life-span.

We have had many requests for a link to "our website," but we didn't have the resources to develop and maintain a site.

Then ACEs Connection offered the community sites (or then I became aware of them - I don't remember when they were first offered). I couldn't believe what was offered - not only do they provide the server to house the site, they build it and help you whenever you get stuck. I've had the great pleasure to work with Cissy White, the east coast rep, and she has been unfailingly knowledgeable, responsive and helpful.

I have to name Jane Stevens in this - I don't know whose idea it was to include these community sites, but I know Jane has been the founder and primary driver of ACEs Connection. So thank you, Jane, for your vision and perseverance. And thank you to your entire staff for making ACEs Connection such a resilience-building engine!

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Wow, Kathy! Thank you for writing this. Cissy is indeed a treasure and is helping so many local ACEs initiatives get started, as well as helping existing initiatives grow! She's one of our community facilitators, as is Carey, below, who are deep in the trenches to help grow and support the ACEs movement. There are more than 300 communities that have launched ACEs initiatives and have sites on ACEs Connection to use the tools we offer.

Congratulations on your second round of funding! Vermont's been a real leader in this movement.

Kathy -

Your post brings tears to my eyes and makes my day. 

Thank you for this resounding endorsement of the visionary community building work being done by colleagues at ACEs Connection. AND YES, Cissy is amazing as a community facilitator (someone who helps give birth to new communities), a leader, a colleague, a teacher, a writer, a friend. 

We love to hear success stories from our community managers! 

If you have like-minded friends in other parts of the country, please share your enthusiasm with them and ask them to help create MORE cross sector, all-inclusive ACEs Connection communities dedicated to preventing and healing trauma; building resilience.



THANK you for taking the time to appreciate Jane, the whole staff, and this entire community and platform. It's so nice to read! It's wonderful to hear how our site supports the amazing work you are doing. We are so glad to support you and to support communities and keep connecting individuals and initiatives together. Thanks so much. It's also great for me to work with you and I love learning what communities are doing in New England, the Mid-Atlantic as well as elsewhere. Cis 

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