We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2022 Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Indigenous Programs Conference!
This exciting event will be held virtually via Zoom, starting Tuesday, March 22 through Thursday, March 24, 2022, with each day starting at 1:30 PM (EST) and ending at 7:30 PM (EST). Below, you will find a copy of the agenda to review the full list of plenary, workshop, and networking sessions.
The meeting will include outstanding Native speakers, dynamic cultural educators, and diverse interactive workshops and networking sessions. The agenda and daily schedule reflect this year’s theme, Supporting, Celebrating, and Sustaining our Native American and Pacific Island Communities, and provide the opportunity for inclusive conversations among Native communities across our Nations and Oceans.
There is no cost for participating in this event and participants are encouraged to register by March 4, 2022. Please note that attendees will have to register only once to attend the available sessions throughout the three-day conference. You should then receive a registration confirmation email with an option to add the conference schedule directly to your email calendar.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER **When registering, choose "OTHER" as your option if none of the other options are applicable.
Prior to Day 1 of the conference please ensure you have updated your computer to the latest version of Zoom {5.5.2 (12494.0204)} if your device/organization allows.
If you have questions about the ACF Indigenous Programs Conference, please feel free to reach out to:
Angel Washington at Angel.Washington@acf.hhs.gov
Anna Moriarty at Anna.Moriarty@acf.hhs.gov
Terry Rose at Teresa.Rose@acf.hhs.gov
Administration for Native Americans at ANAComments@acf.hhs.gov or 1-877-922-9262.
We look forward to your attendance and hope you will find the conference informative and engaging!
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