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The Adversity Faced in Childhood That Has No Name []



Did you know that growing up facing adversity in your childhood home has an impact on your life that can last well into your adult years?

The adversity negatively wires a developing brain. This can cause us to struggle with our relationships, emotions, behaviors, and health. What's more, one of these adversities doesn't even have a name. 

You have heard of physical child abuse, sexual or emotional abuse...

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study examined a wide range of childhood adversities and documented the impact they can have on a life. Most of these adversities are well known. You have heard of physical child abuse, sexual or emotional abuse, losing someone to incarceration or divorce, and others. But one adversity in particular has practically no awareness -- Childhood Domestic Violence (CDV) -- which is when a child grows up living in a home with domestic violence.


[For more of this story, written by Brian F. Martin, go to]


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