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The Beauty of Scars; Trauma & Resilience Life Coaching from a Salutogenic Approach


In some indigenous African tribes, scarification is part of human identity. From a Western pathogenic lens, perhaps we see a distorted image that is ugly, uncomfortable and as the representation of a pointless, primitive process that inflicts unnecessary pain on our people. We, however, proudly wear our badge of honor that signals to the world that we belong, have succeeded in our rites of passage, and that we are resilient.

Observing the striations on a pregnant woman's beautiful belly, what do we see?


Perhaps we view the marks as ugly and unsightly. We can, however, see them as a beautiful and necessary stretching of the skin to full capacity to accommodate the growth and birth of an unborn fetus; NEW LIFE. This, too, is true about trauma.

I've lived through my share of trauma. My pursuit of balance, that we can call wellness, is easy on some days and still close to feeling impossible on others. But, without a doubt, I am who I am because of the many keloids I boast on my heart and soul. What I love most about myself, my ability to find the seed of good and truly LOVE humans, is only because of my suffering.

In Africa, we sit in the discomfort knowing transformation will come. In our salutogenic vision, we see every human as perfect and whole with unrealized potential and capacity. We focus on building on assets to help all beings thrive. I invite you to sit in the discomfort, realize your strengths and open the door to long lasting transformation.

Heal Trauma Global -final-Our heart is to facilitate trauma recovery and resilience all over the world. We offer culturally aligned, individual and group Trauma and Resilience Coaching from a salutogenic perspective. We  focus on understanding attachment style, working toward neurological regulation and establishing new neural pathways.  

Typically, we start the coaching program with an Adult Attachment Interview. We utilize a variety of tools throughout our time together to meet each clients individual needs. Motivational Interviewing, Lateral Eye Movement Therapy, Spiritual Counsel, Yoga Nidra and when applicable, Somatic Massage Therapy, are integrated to create a unique opportunity for healing.


1 Session: $250

Monthly Rate (4 Sessions): $880

3 Months Up-Front: $2400


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  • Screen-Shot-2019-11-06-at-1.25.03-PM
  • Heal Trauma Global -final-

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