Friday, February 26, 2021 1-2pm EST.
What we experience as children has an effect on the adults we all become. In this brief webinar, we will discuss the research behind certain types of childhood stress or trauma, some of them quite common, known as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs have been scientifically proven to significantly impact physical, mental, and behavioral health outcomes for individuals and communities. For example, ACEs are directly correlated to heart and lung diseases, depression and suicide, and addiction and overdose. Understanding ACEs helps us respond to others with sensitivity; ACEs awareness also helps us find compassion for ourselves. Starting with the question, "What happened to you?" rather than "What is wrong with you?" leads to more productive solutions. Please join us for this free 30 minute overview with 30 minutes of Q & A to learn about the groundbreaking ACEs study that launched a paradigm shift, find out your own ACE score and what to do about it, and the benefits of building a trauma-informed community.
What You Will Learn
- A New Paradigm of Health: The Kaiser Study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- PCEs Related to Positive Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes Changing Mindset and Culture
- ACEs and Links to Adverse Health Outcomes at All Ages
- Elements of Trauma Informed Services
- Impact of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) that Build Resilience
- Further information about how to learn more on working with people and groups who have experienced ACEs
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