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The Continuing Power of 'Us' and 'Them'

As we contemplate why our brains work the way they do after experiencing ACEs etc, I felt it worthwhile to comment on also thinking about the bigger picture currently happening around us:

The United States has now declared a global travel alert for its citizens.

As always we need to be careful about whom it is we need to fear.

As always we need to question what is presented to us, how it occurred (the complex unbiased(!) historical background) and how we can respond.

This has everything to do with ACEs.  It is about prejudices and the goading by some, to have us seek scapegoats to quell our fears (which also begs the question: how did this come to be in the first place), borne mostly of ignorance, that many of us have had to face and deal with (the aftermath of the fallout from high ACES etc).  Because if we fear some groups of society (bigger and smaller minorities), the children growing up in such environments are surely negatively impacted.

An Australian from an Egyptian heritage, who is an intellectual thinker, and yes he is Muslim said this:

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