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The Data Can't Be Ignored: 'Stop and Frisk' Doesn't Work []


Three years ago, federal Judge Shira Scheindlin declared the New York Police Department’s “stop and frisk” operations unconstitutional. An audit of these stops found that black and Latino New Yorkers were approached and patted down by police at a far higher rate than white New Yorkers, yet they rarely were found to be in illegal possession of guns or drugs. As a result, then-NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly ordered the police force to wind down “stop and frisk” practices, which it did considerably, though the practice remained. Kelly’s successor, Bill Bratton, continued to wean the NYPD off of the practice—all of which drove the acolytes of aggressive and intrusive policing crazy.

The New York Daily News editorial board, in particular,warned on August 13, 2013, that Scheindlin’s ruling “put New York directly in harm’s way with a ruling that threatens to push the city back toward the ravages of lawlessness and bloodshed.” That kind of fear-mongering language has been par for the course anytime it’s suggested that police themselves need to comply with the law when enforcing the law. Donald Trump has basically banked his entire presidential campaign on the idea that, without aggressive police tactics like “stop and frisk,” America’s cities are headed for Purge-like fates.

But it turns out that the New York Daily News was wrong about its forecasts, which the media outlet’s editorial board wrote in an op-ed Monday that it was “delighted” to admit. Instead of bedlam up in Brooklyn and hell up in Harlem, as the paper had warned would happen as a result of scaling back “stop and frisk,” the opposite happened: “Post stop-and-frisk, the facts are clear,” wrote the editorial board Monday. “New York is safer while friction between the NYPD and the city’s minority communities has eased.”

[For more of this story, written by Brentin Mock, go to]

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Who would have thought that ceasing state-initiated street harassment would "ease friction" between the police department and the Black people/community being stopped and physically searched for no apparent reason--except for the fact that you are not considered white and your existence is thus a revenue source (per usual).  Did we really need a study to draw that conclusion?  Apparently so; and, the sheer stupidity of that necessity in itself is overwhelmingly disgusting, conservatively speaking.

Moreover, data has long ago shown that much of the "high level crime" (who ever decides what that is) is conducted  by a few people, not the bulk of an urban population.

Last edited by Pamela Denise Long
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