Greetings! At the risk of coming off overly dramatic, I honestly believe that the more signatures (of U.S. citizens) that we can get on this petition, the better off human kind will be. Okay, maybe not by huge margins, but, a little bit. And a little bit is important! The evolution of the human species continues every single day. Every day, we're getting a little smarter, and we're doing things a little better than we did them yesterday. Shining light on the government agencies who deal with foster and foster-adoptive families and encouraging them to treat the families who take in societies most emotionally damaged children with respect, understanding and kindness--and friggin' APPRECIATION will go a LONG way, and I mean a LONG way towards a healthier society as a whole. I heard a statistic the other day, I don't know where it came from, and I haven't verified it, but, I read that 70% of prisoners spent some time in foster care. And that, seems like a very realistic number to me. So, if you haven't signed this yet, please at least take a look at it, read some of the comments left by other foster-adoptive parents besides me and I hope you will feel that signing it is for the greater good. Even more, I hope that you will share it with 3 or 4 friends that you think would also sign it. This is--I think, obviously--from my heart. Thank you. Hugs, Shelley Here's the link to the petition:
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