Over the past several days, Michel Martin has been leading a conversation across various NPR shows about how black men navigate a world that so often sees them as dangerous. When it was announced that that convo was going to move over to Twitter, the #FearAndRace hashtag spurred a flurry of tweets in which people were sharing their personal experiences even before it got underway, and it's still going on long after it officially ended.
But the observation from these conversations that most jumped out at me came from Paul Butler, the Georgetown law professorwho talked to Michel on Tuesday's Morning Edition. "One problem with conversations like this is it doesn't get across that I love being a black man," Butler said. "I feel connected, like when I see President Obama's swag, I get that as a black man. When I hear Jay Z's cool ... I kind absorb and relate as well. Sometime we don't talk about the joy of this identity, and how proud I am to be African-American and a man."
[For more of this story, written by Gene Demby, go to http://www.npr.org/blogs/codes...eels-to-be-a-problem]
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