Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I'm your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. Or check it out on YouTube (see link below).
I was thrilled to engage in an insightful conversation with Bob Lancer regarding his seminar and coaching work related to http://schoolsupportmotivation.com/ and https://7mindsets.com/. Please join us as we discuss his role in:
* changing minds
* working with teachers to help liberate children's true selves
* his work with adults recovering from abusive relationships
* 7 mindsets demonstrated by the happiest and most successful people on earth
As shared by Bob:
"Bob Lancer has been a parent educator and coach, as well as a professional development trainer for teachers, for over 3 decades. His work includes helping individuals recognize and recover from trauma patterns received in early childhood that keep them locked into self-defeating reaction patterns and intense emotional suffering. He works in association with 7Mindsets (see www.7mindsets.com), a leading edge company that delivers the only Mindsets based Social Emotional Learning programs in schools. For more information about Bob's work, and to schedule a complimentary coaching session with him, visit www.boblancer.com."
You can reach out to Bob at his schoolsupportmotivation.com website - be sure to mention this podcast for a free PDF of his upcoming book: "The 7 Mindsets of Extraordinary Parenting."
Peace to you all!
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