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The Healing Place Podcast - Greg Williams Interview


*** Trigger Warning ***

I was honored to have ACEs Connection member, Dr. Greg Williams, join me for a powerful conversation about his upcoming book release “Shattered by the Darkness: Putting the Pieces Back Together After Child Abuse”, his mission, personal story of triumph, and more!

Per Greg's website: “Dr. Gregory Williams has written a new book that chronicles his lifelong journey of child abuse and its aftermath. It has taken Dr. Gregory more than 30 years to begin unveiling the horrors of what happened to him throughout his entire childhood. His book recounts the sexual exploitation he endured at the hands of his own father for 12 years.”


Be sure to check out these informative articles filled with more hope and inspiration:


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Peace to you all!


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I know the feeling, Terri. I had to weigh the same considerations (and a few others) while writing and completing my manuscript.. it was a gut-wrenching experience: My abuser is still alive and though we've reached a truce, I had to find the balance between speaking MY truth and stifling any (justified?) entitlement, to perpetuate the shame cycle, unduly trigger or do further damage.  It wasn't an easy tightrope walk, but the conscious effort was an important exercise in self-restraint - and maybe, has allowed me to better appreciate the imperfections of our collective human condition. I wish you a positive and healing journey for your SELF.

Amit Janco posted:

Teri, thank you for sharing your podcast interviews. As gruesome and heartbreaking as some of the details are, it's comforting to see (as a survivor myself) common threads of surivorship, resilience and hope for transformation.

Thank you for this. As I finish up my book, I find myself torn. How much of the "gruesome and heartbreaking" details do I include? I worry about triggering effects on readers. But, I guess that's what trigger warnings are for, right? But, I also find comfort in knowing there are others who have survived traumatic events and "get it" on so many levels (mind, body, soul). You stated it beautifully in that we can find "survivorship, resilience and hope for transformation" together.



Teri, thank you for sharing your podcast interviews. As gruesome and heartbreaking as some of the details are, it's comforting to see (as a survivor myself) common threads of surivorship, resilience and hope for transformation.

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