Such a beautiful conversation with kindred spirit, Maz Dela Cerna, author, creative entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and YouTuber! Please join us as we discuss:
- Maz's role as a mindset coach
- her personal story of triumph over trauma
- the Phoenix Rising Collective
- her recently released book, "I Deserve Better"
- manifestation philosophies
- and so much more!
Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Podbean, and more, or directly on my website at You can also watch our insightful interview on YouTube. (This episode will be available in audio format on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM EST, but is available immediately on YouTube in video format)
"With a history of abuse, drug addiction, weight gain and trauma, Maz changed her life around when she lost 30kg and went on to become a bikini competitor and sponsored ProTeam Australia athlete. Her physical transformation triggered a spiritual and emotional awakening forcing her to look within and dig into subconscious thought patterns and behaviours. From what started as documenting and sharing her journey on YouTube and Instagram, Maz is now the founder of the Phoenix Rising Collective. The Phoenix Rising Collective was created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about breaking cycles within themselves and others, breaking out of the rut, breaking through resistance, and limiting beliefs. – It means not running around all day long, beating yourself up or being the victim in life. It means being ready to take charge, be accountable, take your power back and create the life you want. She works with people just like you who know deep down you are capable of so much more and have so much potential, yet don’t quite know to unlock your inner Rockstar."
Learn more about Maz and her mission at
Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://us18.campaign-archive....a1&id=1352bd63df
Book Launch Team:
Shared from Teri Wellbrock's Unicorn Shadows blog
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