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The Importance of Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in all Medical Encounters


Newly published Editorial, American Journal of Preventive Medicine- FOCUS:

Jeoffry B. Gordon MD, MPH , Vincent Felitti MD , The Importance of
Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in all Medical Encounters., AJPM Focus (2023),

The practical, insightful value of individual ACE screening in the clinic to preventive and clinical medicine is profound. There are over 600,000 substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect (CAN) each year in the USA, including at least 1700 child maltreatment homicides annually (1) - about as many deaths as are caused by childhood cancer. In children below age 18 the population prevalence of identified CAN is at least 1 in 8 (2). Among USA adults living in the community the prevalence of an ACE Score of 4 or more is 15.6% or 1 in 6 adults (3). An ACE Score is not a diagnosis but is a proven (4) screen for assessing CAN categories as contributors to many physical and mental illnesses (3). The ACE Score reflects the number of categories (not events) of adverse childhood events experienced in the first 18 years of life. Many, but not all, persons who experience the sentinel circumstances
enumerated by the ACE Score will develop damaging outcomes. The effects of CAN trauma can be mitigated by “positive childhood experiences” (PACES **) which strengthen integrity and resilience (5, 6). Child welfare social services are evolving to emphasize promoting positive experiences in at risk families with children. The biomedical and economic benefits of ACE screening have been sufficient to result in supportive legislation in 39 states and the District of
Columbia as of 2021 (7).

Especially in pediatrics the routine ACE screen has the red flag significance of
identifying concurrent child abuse or neglect or suicidal thoughts or intent. The potential value of routine ACE screening in adults has been illustrated by the epidemic of children sexually abused as Boy Scouts. Many victims only disclosed their abuse to others after a 29-year delay, with an average age at disclosure of 42 years, with 50 percent of the victims then being 50 years or older (8). According to a CDC analysis (3), significant CAN trauma is associated with substantial mental, physical, and social illness and disease. Nonetheless, the vast majority of medical practitioners in all specialties do not fully appreciate the prevalence of child abuse trauma (9), nor its dose-response
association with mental and physical illness, especially among adults (10). Merrick et al (3) document that a substantial proportion of people with high ACE Scores are current smokers and/or heavy drinkers. Inspired by the California ACE Aware project, the California Department of Public Health published the first tobacco cessation treatment manual integrating ACE
knowledge into therapy with their publication, “Trauma-Informed Approaches to Tobacco Prevention and Cessation” (11).

In the clinical setting questions about domestic violence, suicidal intentions, and sexual abuse have all been perceived as upsetting or “triggering” by physicians even though they are now documented as necessary for quality care. Such concerns reflect discomfort by clinicians rather than patients. Felitti and his Department initially had to overcome medical staff hesitancy, but then had no negative experiences in screening 440,000 adult patients (12) undergoing a comprehensive medical evaluation. Indeed, it was common to hear spontaneous patient expressions of appreciation for the opportunity to open up for the first time about their adverse childhood experiences, creating
new intimacy in the doctor-patient relationship. Any upset patient or negative response may indicate the need for a more relaxed, skilled approach. Indeed it is more upsetting when a patient’s screening reveals trauma exposure and the clinician does not respond with an appropriate and sensitive exploratory inquiry (13).

An important aspect of any screening is that it leads to effective treatment. The
underlying contributions to disease and psychosocial distress uncovered by ACE screening expose complex bio-psycho-social medical problems that may challenge the clinical practitioner unless prior attention is given to planning an efficient appropriate therapeutic response. This must include a trauma-informed care perspective (14) and a comprehensive medical history assessing both mental and physical illness. While psychiatry has yet to recognize CAN trauma as a diagnosable condition (15), optimal treatment requires specialized
behavioral and social therapies. Multiple compilations of evidence based treatments and resources are currently available (16) and routinely taught and used across the nation. Unfortunately, many physicians are isolated from easy referral to behavioral health and community treatment resources and have not developed their own experience in this realm. Competent specialized interdisciplinary resources (although often overburdened) are available
across the country and have been compiled to assist clinicians find treatment for these patients and their families (17). As all clinicians are mandated reporters, the causal diagnosis may have challenging reporting and legal consequences, especially in children. This reinforces the importance of the integration of mental health and social work resources into the clinic.

ACE screening of individual patients should not be avoided due to the ill-considered guidance from the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM), recently published as “Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine” (18). While the ACPM acknowledges the “profound,” well documented, substantial adverse sequelae of CAN, and states “interventions to mitigate its harmful effects are essential” and recognizes that “evidence is emerging that ACES are both a cause and a consequence of health disparities,” the “ACPM recommends against individual ACE screening in clinical settings.” This ACPM position creates a comfortable incentive for many clinicians to avoid addressing child abuse and neglect, its antecedents, and its effects, including its many lifelong physical, mental,
socioeconomic and racial comorbidities. For the many reasons described above, as clinicians, we, among many others, have found the individual ACE screen to be important, practical, functional and acceptable in the clinic. Furthermore, the reputation of the ACE screen makes it the perfect tool for motivating the majority of medical practitioners - who have yet to recognize
the clinical significance of child maltreatment across the life span (19) - to introduce this risk assessment into routine practice with the appreciation that CAN trauma makes a substantial contribution to morbidity, making this knowledge so relevant to effective treatment.

1. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau. (2022). Child Maltreatment 2020.
2. Wildeman C, Emanuel N, Leventhal JM, Putnam-Hornstein E. The Prevalence of Confirmed Maltreatment Among American Children, 2004-2011, JAMA Pediatr. 2014:168(8): 706–713. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.410.
3. Merrick MT, Ford DC, Ports KA, et al. Vital Signs: Estimated Proportion of Adult Health Problems Attributable to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Implications for Prevention — 25 States, 2015–2017 MMWR. 2019:68(44): 999-1005. Note the prevalence of severe CAN used in this study is data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a national annual survey of community living adults, which does not include institutionalized populations which are known to have a higher prevalence of CAN.
4. Mei X, Li J, Li Z, et al, Psychometric evaluation of an Adverse Childhood
Experiences (ACEs) measurement tool: an equitable assessment or reinforcing
biases? Health & Justice (2022) 10:34,
5. Merrick JS, Narayan AJ Assessment and screening of positive childhood
experiences along with childhood adversity in research, practice, and policy,
(2020), Journal of Children and Poverty, 26:2, 269-281, DOI:
6. Bethell, C, Jones C, Gombojav N, Linkenbach J, Sege R, Positive Childhood
Experiences and Adult Mental and Relational Health in a Statewide Sample
Associations Across Adverse Childhood Experiences Levels, JAMA Pediatr.
aces-and-ti-laws-and-resolutions, Accessed December 10, 2022.
8. Hamilton MA, Carter E. Timon CE, Scouting Abuse: Analysis of Victims
Experiences, Part I (2020), WWW.CHILDUSA.ORG, 3508 Market Street, Suite
202 | Philadelphia, PA 19104 | 215.539.1906
9. Stork BR, Akselberg NJ, Qin Y, et al, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Community Physicians: What We've Learned, The Permanente journal (2020)24(2), doi:10.7812/TPP/19.099
10. Gordon JB, The importance of child abuse and neglect in adult medicine,
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 211 (2021) 173268,
11. Trauma-Informed Approaches to Tobacco Prevention and Cessation. (2022).
California Department of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch
and the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse
Prevention, California Essentials for Childhood Initiative. CA: California
Department of Public Health, California Department of Social Services.
12. Felitti VJ, Anda RF. The lifelong effects of adverse childhood experiences.
(2014). In: Chadwick DL, Giardino AP, Alexander R, Thackeray JD, Esernio-Jenssen D, eds. Child Maltreatment, Vol 2: Sexual Abuse and Psychological
Maltreatment. 4th ed. STMLearning Inc; 2014:203-216.
13. Austin AE. Screening for traumatic experiences in health care settings: a
personal perspective from a trauma survivor. JAMA Internal Medicine, Published online May 3, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.1452
14. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SAMHSA’s
Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach. HHS
Publication No. (SMA) 14-4884. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration, 2014.
15. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5,
American Psychiatric Association, 2013. See pages 715ff.
16. For instance, see Evidence-Based Treatments Addressing Trauma, Trauma
Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources, JBS International and Georgetown
University National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health,
Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development,
17. See or or
18. Sherin KM, Stillerman A, Chandrasekar L, Went N, Niebuhr DW.
Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood
Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive
Medicine, AJPM Focus (2022),
19. Bhushan D, Kotz K, McCall J, Wirtz S, Gilgoff R, Dube SR, Powers C, Olson-
Morgan J, Galeste M, Patterson K, Harris L, Mills A, Bethell C, Burke Harris N,
Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General’s Report on Adverse
Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health. Office of the California
Surgeon General, 2020. DOI: 10.48019/PEAM8812.

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Such high hopes are being pinned on screening for adverse childhood experiences…also on treating and healing young people and adults who have experienced aces.

Are these high hopes warranted?

Folks’ reactions confuse me because you can’t get around the fact that it’s very difficult, expensive, time consuming, and resource consuming to try and help people who have experienced unsupportive and harmful parenting. Isn't it always better to prevent a problem than to try and fix it after the fact?

The most important and least discussed takeaway from the ACE Study is that there needs to be an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere. If this isn’t realized, the Study will eventually be forgotten and chalked up as the greatest lost opportunity ever.

We truly appreciate your support of screening for ACEs, Drs. Gordon & Felitti. The Center for Youth Wellness is leading a project with the New Jersey AAP, funded by HRSA, to provide guidelines for screening in the pediatric primary care setting in a report to congress. We have completed working with two cohorts of 30 practices to help them start screening, and they have given us extremely positive feedback on this program and the process of screening itself. Please feel free to find out more here: The TASIE Project - NJAAP. We are also in the process of recruiting for practices for our 3rd cohort if you know any practices that might be interested. All information can be found in the above website.

!!!!! Bravo for the work you do. If we cannot accomplish systemic appreciation we will have to change one clinic at a time!

We truly appreciate your support of screening for ACEs, Drs. Gordon & Felitti. The Center for Youth Wellness is leading a project with the New Jersey AAP, funded by HRSA, to provide guidelines for screening in the pediatric primary care setting in a report to congress. We have completed working with two cohorts of 30 practices to help them start screening, and they have given us extremely positive feedback on this program and the process of screening itself. Please feel free to find out more here: The TASIE Project - NJAAP. We are also in the process of recruiting for practices for our 3rd cohort if you know any practices that might be interested. All information can be found in the above website.

(Sorry for the late and long comment). Thank you, Drs Felitti and Gordon, for your important rebuttal to last year's AJPM position statement. Your comment about how the statement "creates a comfortable incentive for many clinicians to avoid addressing child abuse and neglect" absolutely nails it.

It's all the more frustrating because we know the authors of the position statement are PACEs-informed and I believe to be genuinely interested in advancing the movement. I see their holdup as being from a trap most of the medical field, especially academia, has fallen into - the rigid need to be evidence-based. As a physician, I appreciate how much our profession's pursuit of evidence-based decision making has largely improved the care we provide. However, a downside is how this emphasis pushes the humanity out of what we do (along with electronic health records). The older I get, the better I understand the art of medicine seasoned clinicians talk about. Ultimately, the healing we provide is largely from the relationship with have with our patients. From an evolutionary standpoint, we humans, like all mammals, are social creatures, and our ancestors survived because they were part of a tribe who supported each other.

At their root, ACEs are caused by relational trauma, so healing from them requires relational healing. Physicians have the potential to be part of that, but this is less likely if we see the patient as a widget to plug into an evidence-based algorithm, and not as a person whose lived experience makes them unique and as someone who is wanting to be heard and validated. We docs are trained infinitely more on basing our clinical decisions on evidence-based studies than how to relate to patients, including the patient who has shared a traumatic experience with us. As we're burned out and just trying to survive each workday with our sanity intact, most docs absolutely are happy to follow the position statement and avoid addressing ACEs.  Though because the statement endorsed the status quo and therefore wasn't newsworthy, most docs will never hear about it. This lost opportunity to effectively raise awareness is what frustrates me most about the position statement.

Thanks for your very cogent comments. I agree 100%. The trouble with ACPM and USPSTF is - while they have a correct and valid perspective - they like us would like to have impact and outcomes proofs as well! Of course neither they nor anyone else (in their ignorance) will fund such a big study because there is no money to be made from it. Meanwhile, ACEs and other tools provide the means we clinicians use here and now to help our patients and are necessary to provide the best care possible.

(Sorry for the late and long comment). Thank you, Drs Felitti and Gordon, for your important rebuttal to last year's AJPM position statement. Your comment about how the statement "creates a comfortable incentive for many clinicians to avoid addressing child abuse and neglect" absolutely nails it.

It's all the more frustrating because we know the authors of the position statement are PACEs-informed and I believe to be genuinely interested in advancing the movement. I see their holdup as being from a trap most of the medical field, especially academia, has fallen into - the rigid need to be evidence-based. As a physician, I appreciate how much our profession's pursuit of evidence-based decision making has largely improved the care we provide. However, a downside is how this emphasis pushes the humanity out of what we do (along with electronic health records). The older I get, the better I understand the art of medicine seasoned clinicians talk about. Ultimately, the healing we provide is largely from the relationship with have with our patients. From an evolutionary standpoint, we humans, like all mammals, are social creatures, and our ancestors survived because they were part of a tribe who supported each other.

At their root, ACEs are caused by relational trauma, so healing from them requires relational healing. Physicians have the potential to be part of that, but this is less likely if we see the patient as a widget to plug into an evidence-based algorithm, and not as a person whose lived experience makes them unique and as someone who is wanting to be heard and validated. We docs are trained infinitely more on basing our clinical decisions on evidence-based studies than how to relate to patients, including the patient who has shared a traumatic experience with us. As we're burned out and just trying to survive each workday with our sanity intact, most docs absolutely are happy to follow the position statement and avoid addressing ACEs.  Though because the statement endorsed the status quo and therefore wasn't newsworthy, most docs will never hear about it. This lost opportunity to effectively raise awareness is what frustrates me most about the position statement.

All agree that home visiting is an affective means to address  families who have been identified as high risk.  However, what we need is prevention.  The AAP recommends incorporating social and emotional health assessment and parenting support by a child's primary care provider at all well child visits as per bright future guidelines.  There is significant research on how optimization of early relational health is an effective tool for prevention of behavioral and emotional problems in later childhood and adolescents.  The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative's ENACT! framework is a possible systems approach to supporting caregivers, families and communities in reaching this goal.

Of course, you are right on and CAHMI is an exemplary model and program. The problem that I am appreciating is that in many places pediatricians are overworked and underpaid. Many circumstances, including the FFS system, high Medicaid population, rural and inner city sites cannot maintain the team/ancillary services necessary to implement such a top notch program. Also we need an outreach component to find families that hesitate to access a pediatric clinic. We are all on the same wave length. Thanks for your comment and the link.

All agree that home visiting is an affective means to address  families who have been identified as high risk.  However, what we need is prevention.  The AAP recommends incorporating social and emotional health assessment and parenting support by a child's primary care provider at all well child visits as per bright future guidelines.  There is significant research on how optimization of early relational health is an effective tool for prevention of behavioral and emotional problems in later childhood and adolescents.  The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative's ENACT! framework is a possible systems approach to supporting caregivers, families and communities in reaching this goal.

David Dooley is spot on - primary prevention through parenting and support of care takers should be our focus.  There are not enough resources for evidence based home visiting nor mental health providers to meet this growing "epidemic".

There is no conflict here. Primary prevention of maltreatment and parental education are both optimally provided by (nurse or community health worker) home visiting programs to higher risk pregnant families and continuing for 3-6 months, supplemented with community parent education groups. See "Hello Baby" in Allegheny County, PA.

You wrote, "David Dooley is spot on..."

Dr. Bruce Perry used the exact same wording when I asked him about an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.

David Dooley is spot on - primary prevention through parenting and support of care takers should be our focus.  There are not enough resources for evidence based home visiting nor mental health providers to meet this growing "epidemic".

Home visiting is wonderful. It benefits moms and infants, but there still needs to be an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.

One that teaches parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as supporting the healthy development of children.

One that reaches grandparents raising grandchildren, mature parents, young parents, single people, high schoolers, and grade school kids.

One that doesn't have an end date.

One that will become a permanent fixture of our culture.

Last edited by David Dooley

I'm all for screening, but I really don't think much will change unless we redirect our focus on universal primary prevention.  Especially, an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.

I agree with you100%, working on it. Trying to create a universal home visiting program for all California Moms with newborn infants. This editorial was written to rebut a policy statement by The American College of Preventive Medicine which recommended against individual screening all together. I posted their statement about 6 months ago as a blog.

I'm all for screening, but I really don't think much will change unless we redirect our focus on universal primary prevention.  Especially, an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.

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