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The Importance of Talking About Suicide


This article will tackle active and passive suicide and may not be suitable for sensitive audiences.

In our first article about self-harm, we tackled the subject with as much kindness as the topic would allow. Self-harm is a sensitive subject that had to be tackled to bring it out of the shadows and into the light where we can understand it and perhaps, someday, make it possible to end it.

Suicide is a topic most people would rather sweep under the rug because we are all afraid of the subject. We fear that talking about suicide will cause someone we love to attempt or complete to die by suicide; thus, we ignore it and have made it into a taboo subject.

This article will tackle suicide head-on and speak not only of active suicidal ideation but also a type of death many do not know exists, passive suicide.

[Click here to read more.]

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Explaining PACEs science to people can be useful. It helps them understand that their depression, hypervigilance, and other symptoms have their roots in adverse childhood experience, and potentially a lack of positive childhood experiences. When learning about PACEs, many people understand that they're not "crazy", not alone, and instead understand that their journey is common and predictable.

I so appreciate this post! As someone who has experienced extreme suicidal ideation I am always grateful for normalizing the conversation. Last month I learned of this writing competition that has just closed but looks like it happens every year:

This also reminded me of how important it is that we address solutions to suicide that support individual and community health, wellbeing, and safety.


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