"Since we know there are established links between animal cruelty and different types of violent behavior, including domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse, today we had the unique opportunity to host a listening session on the intersection between animal cruelty and public safety. We were joined by experts from a wide range of disciplines, including federal and state prosecutors, forensic scientists and veterinarians, judges, law enforcement officers, as well as representatives from the elder abuse, domestic violence, children services and animal welfare fields. Today’s listening session also drew wide interest across the department – from our own research and policy advisors, to our criminal prosecutors and civil litigators.
Both in scale and scope, this conversation was the first of its kind in the department. It is part of a broader dialogue that we will continue to have about preventing animal cruelty and better understanding its intersection with interpersonal violence and organized crime...."
See also:
The (inextricable) Link: Animal abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse
Catching the Red Flags: How the Animal Cruelty Legacy Impacts Public Safety
LINK Letter Archives
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