Over the course of two days, thousands of supporters participated in the grand opening ceremony of the Equal Justice Initiative’s (EJI) unveiling of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration in Montgomery, AL.
Individuals of all races traveled from different parts of the country, near and far, to attend the two-day truth telling celebration, pay homage to their ancestors, reconcile horrific acts against humanity and properly heal a haunted past to rebuilding a new vision for America.
Toni Battle, a generational victim affected by slavery and first-time visitor, drove from San Francisco for opening day, she told the Associated Press “I’m a descendant of three lynching victims. I wanted to come and honor them and those in my family that couldn’t be here.”
[For more on this story by Maleena Lawrence, go to https://lasentinel.net/the-leg...hing-in-america.html]
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