Disparities between the health of whites vs. that of minorities in the United States are wide and pervasive, and have been for decades. Some of the largest and most persistent health gaps are between whites and blacks. Black Americans experience significantly higher rates of cardiovascular disease, HIV, certain cancers, diabetes, asthma, and infant and maternal mortality than white Americans do. On average, white Americans live three years longer than black Americans; in high-poverty communities, life expectancy gaps can be as wide as 40 years.
A major contributor to these health disparities is racism in various forms.
Results from a recent American Psychological Association online poll of 3,361 adults found that more than three-quarters of black adults reported experiencing racially based daily discrimination — such as disrespectful treatment, receiving poorer service, or being threatened or harassed — and nearly two in five black men said police have unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened, or abused them.
[For more of this story, written by Olivia Campbell, go to https://psmag.com/the-lifelong...596a49c5e#.63jbc726b]
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