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The Lost Voting Potential of Millions of 'Disappeared' African Americans []


Last April, The New York Times reported that there were 1.5 million African-American men “missing” due to early deaths or incarceration. Or, as NYT summarized it: “More than one out of every six black men who today should be between 25 and 54 years old have disappeared from daily life.”

These are men who should be alive and accounted for, but who have instead been vanished due to multiple strains of racism enshrined in the nation’s health and criminal justice systems. The impacts of their erasure are felt not only in families and communities, but also in the workforce, schools, and the electorate.

The consequences of their absence from that last realm, that of the voting public, has further disenfranchised an alreadyover-disenfranchised black population. This is the finding of a new study from the Dartmouth sociologists David Cottrell and Michael C. Herron, along with the University of Florida political science professor Daniel A. Smith and Javier M. Rodriguez, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Population Studies Center. In their paper, “Mortality, Incarceration, and African-American Disenfranchisement in the Contemporary United States,” the researchers say that, when considering democratic participation, the effect of thisdisappearance of African Americans is actually worse than what the NYT  reports.

[For more of this story, written by Brentin Mock, go to]

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The only felons precluded from voting in New Hampshire, are those convicted of Bribery, Treason, and Felony Election Law violations. All other 'felons' can and do vote in New Hampshire.

Last year, the Netherlands closed EIGHT of its prisons-due in part to a drop in crime. (Due to a lack of refugee housing, some of the prisons are now being used to house refugee immigrants-but that is a separate story).

When the World Health Organization adopted the U.S. CDC/Kaiser ACE screening tool for its 2013 assessment of the World's healthiest children, the Netherlands children ranked first in the world. With less "toxic stress", more caring and resilience building by the larger communities, healthy children seem to "get into 'less trouble'."

In the Netherlands voting is a constitutional right and prisoners or those under control of the state are entitled to that right, unless a judge makes a separate ruling to deny that voting right. Even whit Mohammed B, the murderer of Theo van Gogh,  because of islamic fanatism, when people started a courtcase to deny him the votingright, because they feared he would start an extremist islamic party, kept his voting right was the ruling of the judge. The election with Bush, Obama and possibly many more were all rigged anyway. But to deny people the right to vote, possibly incarcerated for having smoked pot, another thing that is completely legal in the Netherlands, is ridiculous. If any group has need to be represented then it is those prisoners in the sick system of private prisons who need to make profits on prisoners. Possibly the Netherlands will go that way of private prisons, but as far as i know prisons are a stateaffair and should remain so. In Norway they now have trials with prisons looking like a village, where they can just live normal lives, except the wall of course, play music, make films/clips have the key to their cells etc. etc. Michael Moore shows that in his movie Who to invade next. In psychiatric care scandinavian countries followed some american thought up programm, to refrain as much as possible from giving psychiatric drugs and to increase homecare. And it works there, But with so many deaths in the USA of regular medications i doubt it is being used in the USA very much.

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