NPQ’s webinar series on “remaking the economy” focuses on innovative, emerging models of inclusive and equitable economic development and the ways communities throughout the country are integrating them. A major part of the case for remaking the economy is that the current system leaves millions behind, and nearly every metric of economic inclusivity points to the need for a dramatic shift. It is imperative that nonprofits lead the way in charting this new course—and not just a moral imperative, but one deeply connected to their missions to the communities they serve.
In order to fully realize this new, inclusive economy, as NPQ has reported many times, nonprofits must embrace this charge. A new report by Oregon State University expands on the case for a new economy by shedding light on how asset poverty impacts children in America. The report is sobering on many levels, and nonprofits that work with low-income communities should reflect on the findings.
The long-term impacts of income poverty on children have been extensively researched and documented. Among the disturbing consequences:
[For more on this story by KEENAN WELLAR, go to]
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