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The Perils of Standing While Hispanic in the Bronx []


 Meet Santiago Hernandez, 23. He lives in the Bronx. On a Monday evening last month, he was standing in front of an apartment building at around 6 p.m. when two NYPD police officers appeared and demanded permission to frisk him. He complied. They found no contraband. Yet he soon found himself handcuffed and then pushed to the ground, where he was pummeled by six police officers. "They were taking turns like a gang," he told a local ABC affiliate, which obtained video:

According to Hernandez, the police officers who initially searched him said they were responding to a noise complaint. "Although he was later charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, the Bronx DA declined to prosecute the case," the ABC news team reported. "And Hernandez was left with bruises from head to toe."

To read the rest of this story (and to see the video), go to:


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