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The Real Monsters



Each year at Halloween, our neighborhoods are bustling as children go door to door dressed as zombies, vampires, skeletons or something else fantastic and scary. For many children Halloween is the rare occasion to indulge in a fun time of ghost stories and goblins and trick or treats. But at the end of the night they put away their costumes and make-believe in their closets and return to their normal lives.

Sadly, too many children do not have normal or safe or protected lives and their monsters are real. They do not have closets in many homeless shelters or on the streets or church steps where they sometimes live with homeless parents. They are not safe in drug- and violence-infested neighborhoods and suffer chronic hunger, especially on weekends and during long summer months when school is out.


To read the rest of this post that Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children's Defense Fund, wrote for Huffington Post, go to:


She also included a beautiful poem by Ina J. Hughes


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  • Amonster

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