A journey through grief in tweets is helping my brave and thoughtful niece, Carly, express herself in a powerful and impactful way. I thank her for her raw honesty and marvel at her ability to capture the essence of what she is feeling in 280 characters or less. Carly is a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
As an Aunt, my heart aches for Carly and for my sister. As a school nurse, I am in search of answers, along with so many others. #SchoolNursesDemandAction is a gaining traction around the country thanks to Twitter and the power of social media. I realize that some cannot or choose not to take such a public stand and I respect their decision. For those who do want to participate in this effort, please reach out and let us know. My email is robin.cogan@rutgers.edu. My twitter handle is @RobinCogan.
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