Beth Jameson, Ph.D., RN, NJ-CSN is a Nurse Scientist with a newly minted Ph.D. from Rutgers University. I was fortunate to meet Beth when she was in the midst of her dissertation research, which included interviewing school nurses about job satisfaction. I will never forget our intense and honest discussion when I shared my frustration with feeling like a “caged bird” at school. In fact, it was so eye-opening that I wrote a blog post called “The Tale of the Caged Bird.”
Beth and I bonded over that conversation and since then have collaborated on several school nursing projects through the New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing (NJCCN). When she defended her dissertation, I cheered for her hard-earned accomplishment. In fact, it was through Beth’s work that I first heard the term, Nurse-Scientist.
We both attended a recent NJCCN culminating event that spotlighted the work of NJ school nurses in their home communities. It was a powerful day for sharing community-based initiatives that are happening throughout the Garden State! One speaker in particular resonated with this ultimate research scientist, and now Dr. Jameson is challenging school nurses to be life-long #ResourceSponges! Read her message below:
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