Morgan's note: This great article has a story about the Goldbergs and the Franks (as in Anne Frank, whose diary is widely read, and her family), and how the daughter of Hilde Goldberg seeks to share her family story as a way to find her voice, be liberated, and move forward.
The children of people who lived through the Holocaust – mostly Jewish – are known as second-generation survivors. In recent years, large numbers of these middle-aged men and women have been trying to make sense of their backgrounds, which have sometimes been obscured, especially where their parents have been unable to talk about their experiences. In Rita Goldberg, a teacher of comparative literature at Harvard University, they have found a new voice to cheer their quest.
At a recent London reading of her mother's biography, Motherland, Rita, 64, was unprepared for the strength of the audience response. "I was startled by it and am beginning to see how many of my generation were defined by their parents' history, even though they did not live through it."
Read the rest of the article here.
Morgan Vien, Practicing Resilience for Self-Care and Healing
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