It is sadly very common that people who grew up neglected and abused by their parents end up either alone or cycling through one life-damaging relationship after another.
The terrible irony is that when you need love the most, Complex PTSD can keep you locked out of it.
You can try hard, you can read books, go to therapy, make promises to yourself and hold high standards for yourself. But you'll keep finding that you’ve yet again gotten yourself attached to someone who can't be a good partner to you. Either they don’t love you, they’re with someone else, they have an addiction, or in some way, they can’t make a commitment to you or show up for you in a consistent, loving way.
The worst part is that it’s really hard for people with abandonment wounds to leave relationships - even when you want to - because saying goodbye and ending things brings up more fear of abandonment. As a result, you end up stuck in relationships that drain you of all your joy and potential, or they make you so scared to connect with anyone that you spend years of your life in isolation… hiding from your own life.
It’s very common for people who were traumatized as kids to choose one of two maladaptations around love -- avoidance, or rushing in headfirst....
Has early trauma affected your romantic life? Take my RELATIONSHIPS QUIZ.
Wondering where to start your healing? Register now for my online course HEALING CHILDHOOD PTSD.
You can register now for DATING AND RELATIONSHIPS For People with Childhood PTSD.
You can learn the calming techniques I mention in this article in this free online course: THE DAILY PRACTICE.
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You can learn the calming techniques I describe in my free course THE DAILY PRACTICE.
Not sure if you have Childhood PTSD? TAKE THE QUIZ
You'll find my courses and coaching services HERE.
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