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The U.S. Is Home To Nearly One-Third Of The World's Female Prisoners []



The U.S. has a serious female prisoner problem.

According to the International Centre for Prison Studies, there are 201,200 women incarcerated in the U.S. -- almost one-third of the world's documented female prison population as of 2013.

An infographic designed by Niall McCarthy, charted by Statista, shows how the population of women prisoners in the U.S. compares to those in other countries -- and the results are pretty shocking.


[For more of this story, written by Nina Bahadur, go to]


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Well what I have to say is this terrible trend is all about most people's lack of awareness of ACES.   Please protect me against drug using people by putting them in jail (unless of course that person happens to be my suburban, middle class, caucasion son). Again absolute utter nonsense. It makes no sense to take the most hurt of people --- people if there was a complex aces score likely have an aces score of 100. We take the most hurt people and instead of trying to understand their pain and their need to medicate that pain in a society that will not see the reality of the experience of horrific trauma and we call hurt people criminals increasing the shame, self-loaning and self-hatred on someone who likely already carries too much of this toxic material.  What good is that?


Our system is an archaic - complementary to blood letting to cure disease in medicine's past- system that instead of looking for answers to improve societies and help those beaten, bruised and broken heal so we can all benefit; instead we are putting hurt people in a cage that is more shaming, more self-loathing and more anger producing???? We also hurt the children who did absolutely nothing wrong. They get to feel stigmatized, likely placed in foster to foster home and also become terribly traumatized people too with super high ACES --- so I believe prison in America is simply a


1. Complete violation of Human Rights

2. A HURT FACTORY were we store people so we can feel safe (a delusional state completely lacking any basis in reality) which actually only produces more people with a lot of pain, anger and rage.

3. A producer of a society where we are all less safe in the end (a rational non-delusional state of mind)!!!!


America has in my opinion, lost its mind. 

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