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‘The Wicked Boy’ and the Capacity for Criminal Rehabilitation []


In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that sentencing a minor to life without the possibility of parole was cruel and unusual punishment. The ruling divided the court in a 5–4 decision, and Justice Samuel Alito read his dissenting opinion from the bench.

“What the majority is saying is that members of society must be exposed to the risk that these convicted murderers, if released from custody, will murder again,” Alito said, adding that the Supreme Court “has no license to impose our vision of the future on 300 million of our fellow citizens.”

His logic was clear: Once you are evil, you are always potentially evil. There is no redemption.

Alito’s fatalism is not shared by all those who work most closely with criminals and ex-criminals. Lettie Prell, the director of research for the Iowa Department of Corrections, deals with algorithms that analyze a criminal’s risk factors on two levels: static and dynamic. The static level looks at what the criminal has done — previous offenses, the nature of the crime, and how many victims. But the second level, Prell notes, is all about change: “The dynamic risk assessment is based on a criminal’s attitude and behavior and their hostility toward others, the ability to be responsive to advice, problem-solving skills … these are all factors that a person can change about themselves.”

[For more of this story, written by Lyz Lenz, go to]

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George Bernard Shaw is credited with the quote: "To Punish a man, you must Injure him; To Reform a man, you must Improve him; And Men are Not Improved by Injuries." 

In Philip Zimbardo's book: "The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people do evil", social psychologist Zimbardo looks at "situational" and "systemic" factors (from a "Public Health model" perspective, rather than a strict "dispositional" Medical Model), which it appears that Justice Alito did not consider in his dissenting opinion. When we also consider the evidence of Zimbardo's 'Stanford Prison Experiment' of the early 1970's [at Stanford University, using reportedly 'psychologically healthy' college students...], and his later follow-up studies noted in "The Lucifer Effect:...", we can be thankful to the majority of our Supreme Court. 

Were we to consider the rationale used by the Netherlands, when they closed eight of their prisons a few years ago, or consider other innovative prison options, such as the recent California Honor Prison-where inmates commit to non-violence, renounce gang membership, etc., and saved California taxpayers about $200,000.00 its first year of existence; or consider initiatives started in prisons to provide "civic tasks" such as Warden Thomas Mott Osborne put in place for his prisoners at Auburn and Sing-Sing prisons in New York, and the Naval Disciplinary Barracks at Portsmouth, N.H., almost 100 years ago, we may gain insight into what George Bernard Shaw meant by "reforming" and "improving".

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