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theory of mind development

You know, I have this idea that if you are willing to go through the mental torture of thinking through every last detail of everything that you could contemplate, and you do your best to understand exactly what is happening fundamentally and dynamically in social situations, your theory of mind will go from zero to better than everyone else’s by the time you are 27-30. It just feels that way because of the personal experience I have and understanding exactly where our attention goes more and more, and just fundamentally understanding why through consistently trying to relate to other people we and NTs think the way we think. And I don’t just mean at illegally, I mean emotionally. It seems like emotional language is the great penetrator of logic. As if eye contact, nonverbal communication, and family instinct is the true reality of nature itself. And once these are fundamentally understood, communicating to Neurotypicals is no problem because it’s all just about practice, and understanding the nature of reality. Right?

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The theory of mind is the capability to attribute mental states ideas, plans, wishes, sentiments, and knowledge to ourselves and others. As humans beings we imagine that others need, think, assume, and that's why all these states that we have, we assume that others will have similar states in similar conditions. These issues, which conduct to a theory of mind, are part of our education, and are universal in mature people. Having a theory of mind lets us think also that others have amazing ideas and wishes that are different from our own, letting us communicate in daily social interaction as we observe the mental states and infer the attitude of those around us. The new concept of mind connectivity is about understanding individual mind structure and how our individual mind structure is connecting us to surrounding reality.

Last edited by Elijah Leo
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